Rocking-Chair Wisdom

A Podcast for People in Their Golden Years

A wise person once said, “getting old isn’t for sissies.” At Camp Codger, we may be getting older, but we still have a lot to say about everything from senior-citizen stoners to how to teach old dogs new tricks. The codgers might make you laugh, occasionally inspire you, and sometimes offer serious insights into this crazy, shared experience called the “Golden Years”.

Returning to the Land of the Very Old

Sam Toperoff died this year, and that makes me really sad. I never met Sam, but as all good writers do with their readers, he created a connection. I...

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The Prostate Papers—Chapter 8: Healthcare Billing Insanity

Gary returns with an episode about receiving an insane EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from United HealthCare. Today, it’s a rant, but I promise to make it a short tirade....

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The Prostate Papers—Chapter 7: The Wrap II

Gary decided his prostate cancer was not yet in the rearview mirror. I know. I wrapped up the Prostate Papers project in the last episode. It was planned as...

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The Prostate Papers—Chapter 6: The Wrap

The wrap and final episode of The Prostate Papers. It’s time to draw this story to a close. Gary Ebersole here, back with the closing chapter of The Prostate...

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The Prostate Papers—Chapter 5: The Club

In The Club episode of The Prostate Paper, Gary discovers new friends with a shared experience dealing with prostate cancer. Gary Ebersole here, back with another chapter of The...

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The Prostate Papers—Chapter 4: Entering the Maze

In this episode, Gary enters the prostate cancer maze when his PSA test results increase rapidly. This is Gary Ebersole. I’m back with another chapter of The Prostate Papers....

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