Podcast: Camp Codger

Best 70s Music

The best 70s music, including Classic Rock, has stood the test of time. It’s amazing to think that the best 70s music from the early 1970s is already more than 50 years old. In fact, the best 70s music, particularly rock music, is still popular today. There are more than 500 Classic Rock radio stations…

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Lifelong Learning for Seniors

Lifelong learning for seniors picks up on our conversation from last week with Toni Gattone when we discussed lifelong gardening. Age should not be a barrier for seniors whether it’s going back to school to learn a new skill or working in their gardens. In this episode, Richard and Gary explore alternatives to learning new…

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Lifelong Gardening with Toni Gattone

We discuss lifelong gardening with Toni Gattone, Master Gardener. Toni is the author of a book called The Lifelong Gardener: Garden with Ease and Joy at Any Age and an award-winning speaker. She is also a business entrepreneur who sells ergonomic gardening tools from her Resilient Gardener Online Store. You can learn more about Toni…

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Larry Barsh—Codger Podcaster

Larry Barsh, codger podcaster, is the creator and host of Specifically for Seniors, a podcast he started when he was 85 years old. In this episode, we interview Larry to learn more about how his podcast originated and what drives him to commit this level of effort in his golden years. Larry is one of…

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Movies for Seniors

Movies for seniors is a fun topic. Who doesn’t enjoy a good movie now and then? But not every movie is a good fit for our entertainment choices as we grow older. No doubt there are lots of senior citizens who still love a good action film. Other folks in their golden years lean more…

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Modern Retirement with Steve Lopez – Part 2

In the second of two episodes, we continue our discussion of modern retirement with Steve Lopez, a longtime columnist for the LA Times. Steve is also a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and a bestselling New York Times author. His latest book, Independence Day, documents his year-long search for the answer to the question confronting many…

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Modern Retirement with Steve Lopez

In the first of two episodes, we discuss modern retirement with Steve Lopez, a longtime columnist for the LA Times. Steve is also a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and a bestselling New York Times author. His latest book, Independence Day, documents his year-long search for the answer to the question confronting many senior citizens. When…

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Happy Hour with the Codger Wives

Happy hour with the codger wives is always a fun way to relax after a rigorous day of investigating snowbird life. During a round of whiskey sours, the old codgers and their better halves discussed retirement, winter vacations, and snowbirding. The consensus was a few warm days in the sunshine while winter was still raging…

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ChatGPT and Seniors

ChatGPT and seniors drive this week’s discussion. It’s everywhere in the media and we wonder if it’s hype or if it is something people in their golden years should think about. Spoiler alert—the answer is both. It’s a compelling topic attracting boatloads of media attention and represents significant progress in the decades-long effort to move…

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Codger Snowbirds

Codger snowbirds? Us? You betcha! We’re off for a short visit to Arizona to join our fellow senior citizens in a game of pickleball, a dip in the pool, and hikes in the warm sunshine. Surprisingly enough, even Gary decided that being a snowbird had its good sides. Randy came to that conclusion long ago…

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