Are the best places to travel old or new? That’s a question many of us ask when we are choosing a vacation spot.
Richard Kipling, a co-host of the Camp Codger podcast for people in their golden years, admits that he has this debate with himself every year. Should he find a wonderful new place for a vacation? Or should he return to a favorite place where he has already visited?
“We have all had vacation trips that didn’t work out, and for sure we’re not going back there,” said Kipling. “But what about those places where you had a wonderful experience? Great food, unforgettable sights, beautiful walks, amazing hikes. Places where you met friendly people that became your friends. What if you went back to one of those places?”

Best Places to Travel
There are so many places to travel. So many great vacation destinations. So many things to see and places to go. That’s why selecting the best places to travel, old or new, is such a personal decision.
“Sometimes it’s great to return to a place you’ve already visited because it is familiar,” said Randy Schultz, another Camp Codger co-host. “There’s something comforting about visiting a place that’s different from where you live, but it’s a favorite place away from home. Even if you’ve been to a vacation destination before, there are usually new things to explore and new places to go on your next visit.”
Tropical Beach Resort? Camping? Road Trip?
It’s not just an “old or new” choice when selecting the best places to travel. What kind of vacation do you want to experience? Are you and your family in the mood for an adventure? Do you want to spend hours lounging on the beach? Maybe you want to visit places of historical interest or someplace you have always dreamed about seeing.
Listen to this Best Places to Travel episode to hear the pros and cons of visiting an old or new vacation destination. Just click on the “Play Episode” triangle above.
Lahaina, Maui Fire
One of Randy’s favorite destinations that he talked about on this episode of Camp Codger is Maui. Shortly after this Best Places to Travel–Old or New episode was recorded, a devastating fire destroyed much of the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii.

“My wife, Patti, was literally in tears as she watched news footage of the fires in Lahaina on the west side of Maui,” said Randy. “We had just talked about favorite places to vacation on Camp Codger, and now our favorite destination was being destroyed by a wildfire. Front Street was literally engulfed in flames. It was heartbreaking.”
The moral of the story: don’t wait to visit or revisit one of your “bucket list” places that you’d like to see. You never know when the opportunity to visit might literally go up in flames. All of us here at Camp Codger send our thoughts and prayers to the people of Lahaina on Maui in the wonderful state of Hawaii. We promise to visit when you rebuild your wonderful town.
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