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Forks in the road confront all of us. Most are relatively trivial, but we all have faced major decisions that changed the course of our lives. The old codgers examine some of the life-determining choices they have made. Career choices and where to live are often at the top of the list of critical forks in the road. The codgers all made these choices, frequently early in their lives, but they also made decisions in their golden years that represented major life changes. Fortunately, their collective choices brought them together to bring their Camp Codger listeners rocking chair wisdom from Richard, Randy, and Gary.

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7 comments on “Forks in the Road

  1. Sonja says:

    You guys are so much fun
    And knives. On our path
    Thank you

    1. Gary Ebersole says:

      And sporks…thanks for listening, Sonja.

  2. Bob Sipchen says:

    You boyz do a great job on this podcast. It’s a well-calibrated balance of planning and improv. Sorta like dealing with them forks.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Randy Schultz says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Bob! We’re delighted you like Camp Codger. As a “thank you” for your comment, I’m going to give you the chance to receive a FREE Camp Codger bumper sticker. Just email your snail mail address to, and we will send you a limited edition Camp Codger bumper sticker. But you have to promise to put it on your car. 🙂 And for a limited time, anyone who leaves a comment about a Camp Codger episode also qualifies for the same offer. Thanks for being part of the Camp Codger family!

  3. jimmy kloczko says:

    This is a good one guys! At the risk of sounding boastful (and old), my best and most important fork was when I chose to go to Woodstock. It was a serendipitous yet life-changing event for a raw 16-year-old. Although I must say that just while listening, I have had several additional important forks. It kind of makes me think that most of them were created by my own restlessness and need for something new, fresh. As Gary quoted and that I aspire to, “Next”. Thanks for the nostalgic walk down memory lane. With no regrets!

    1. jimmy kloczko says:

      Should have read: Although I must say that just while listening, I have been reminded of several additional important forks.

  4. jack turner says:

    Typed 2 messages, they both disappeared, I give up

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