Archives: Episode

Get Your Butt Off the Couch

Get your butt off the couch! It’s Randy’s strongly worded suggestion that exercise makes a real difference in our physical and mental health. The first step is easy—stand up and just get your butt off the couch. The old codgers describe their individual regimes for exercise as well as acknowledge that, as they have grown…

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Seniors and Pets

Seniors and pets go together. Survey data shows that over half of folks in their golden years have pets. However, there are pros and cons to pet ownership. As owners know, there is nothing quite like the unconditional love of a dog, but having a pet has downsides. As we get older, sometimes just the…

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Go with the Flow

Go with the flow is the 2023 mantra for the old codgers. In this episode, the guys ramble on about subjects ranging from dealing with the holiday season (it’s finally over) to using turn signals. They discuss running an experiment where they would lock away their constant companions (you know, their cell phones) for 23…

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Codger Wives

In this “holiday special” episode, we introduce the codger wives who have become a regular part of the podcast as we mention them often during our episodes. Patti, Alison, and Bee share a little about themselves and tell us what they like about the podcast. They also make excellent suggestions about topics we might cover…

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Sleep Challenges of Seniors

Sleep challenges of seniors are frequent topics of conversation. Most of us have experienced the occasional bout of insomnia, but many senior citizens find it increasingly persistent as they get older. In this episode, Richard vividly documents a recent bout of insomnia that kept him up for several hours in the middle of the night….

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Money-Saving Tips for Seniors

This week, the old codgers deliver money-saving tips for seniors. Their ideas range from simple practicality like always grocery shopping with a list that helps avoid wasteful impulse buying to saving money on books. Many senior citizens may already be using Richard’s suggestion to take public transit more often. Gary’s take on using food packing…

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Ills and Pills

Ills and pills. Sometimes it seems like it’s the number one topic of discussion at the table when a gaggle of senior citizens gathers for dinner or coffee. And it’s natural. Our aging bodies are beginning to fail us in our golden years and retirement gives us time to ponder our increasing infirmities. A game…

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The Best Bands of the 60s

The “best bands of the 60s” is often a popular topic of discussion when old codgers get together. In this Camp Codger episode, we take a trip down memory lane to reminisce about our favorite bands and musical artists. We touch on the obvious great bands like the Beatles, the Beach Boys, and the Rolling…

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Holiday Survival Guide

Whether you celebrate the season with utter abandon or just hunker down and try to survive Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day, a holiday survival guide might be in order. As you might expect, the old codgers have a range of opinions on how to handle the holiday season. In this episode, we explore the…

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Retirement Communities

Are retirement communities on the horizon for the old codgers? As they look forward to another winter of shoveling snow, the guys wonder when they are ready to consider the big move. They discuss whether the advantages of warm weather and endless leisure activities are right for them if they head to the Sun Belt….

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