The things we love about getting old include senior discounts, social security checks, grandkids, taking walks, and afternoon naps.

A couple of weeks ago, we did a Camp Codger podcast episode about what we don’t like about getting old. It was our chance to rant a little about the aches and pains of getting older. Literally. Sometimes you just gotta complain to get it out of your system.

But being crabby about aging shouldn’t be your full time job. Being grumpy all the time doesn’t make for a happy life– or a happy retirement. So on this show, we talked about the things we love about getting old.

What are the Things You Love About Getting Old?

senior man on bike growing older living bolder

We began the episode with a few things we can all agree that we love about getting old. Senior discounts! (How can you not love paying less for something just because you’ve got a little gray hair?”) Social security checks! (The government deposits money into your bank account every month!)

Randy brought up one of the best things about getting old: Freedom from the Weekend! When you’re retired, you no longer have to wait until the weekend to go out to dinner or go to a movie. In fact, your “weekend” can be Tuesday and Wednesday, when stores and other venues are free of crowds. “Every day is a weekend when you are older and retired!” said Gary, in total agreement.

Having no work worries is another great thing about being older. Your “To-Do” list gets a lot shorter, and sometimes your To-Do list includes things like “Take a Ride on the E-bike.” Imagine a To-do list of nothing but fun things! If that’s not a benefit of growing older, we don’t know what is.

Getting Older Can Be Fun!

Once the Camp Codger counselors got started, we found so many things we love about getting old. How about eating breakfast on the front porch– just like people used to do in the olden days. Why not? Who says you have to eat every meal indoors? Act like an old person and eat breakfast on the front porch and wave to the neighbors as they pass by!

Richard admitted he loves to exercise whenever he wants to. He also loves reading a book whenever he wants to. Do anything you want whenever you want to! You have the time to play and do fun things anytime during the day. You have lots of free time. So, give yourself permission to do something fun whenever the mood strikes you.

Check Out Our YouTube Channel

Have you seen the Camp Codger channel on YouTube? We post all of our podcast episodes, so you can listen to Camp Codger via YouTube when that’s more convenient. We also post fun videos about all kinds of topics related to getting older.

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Our recent Jimmy Buffett Tribute episode has been extremely popular on YouTube. And the short video that Randy shot at Jimmy Buffett’s last stadium concert (in San Diego on May 6, 2023) is the most popular video on the Camp Codger YouTube channel– by far! It seems that everyone still loves Jimmy Buffett.

So, please visit the Camp Codger channel on YouTube and click on the subscribe button. You will be notified whenever we post a new video. And make sure you see the “Old Randy Gives Advice to Young Randy” short video. It’s a hoot!

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